Tracy Rosen, Research and Insights Director
Tracy is passionate about solving problems and unearthing opportunities through data and analysis. She is a visionary researcher with an empathetic soul with a 25-year history in research. She is recognized for designing and leading dynamic and creative research, leveraging her curious and empathetic style to elicit critical market insights to inform strategic and tactical decisions. Tracy has designed and fielded primary and secondary research, including in-person and online focus groups, ethnographies, quantitative studies, social listening, trend scans, usability studies, innovation sessions and employee and customer satisfaction studies. Her category expertise includes consumer packaged goods, healthcare, luxury goods, retail and apparel, financial services, technology, energy, publishing, education, gaming, and manufacturing industries. Hallmark clients include Amazon, GE and GE Capital, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, Louis Vuitton, Marvel Comics, MasterCard, MetLife, Panasonic, Pepsi, Playtex, P&G, Reebok, StriVectin, Synchrony, Target, The State of Connecticut, VF Corporation, Victoria’s Secret, and Walmart. Tracy has used research to help in branding, new product development, visual aid design, packaging, experience design, product pipeline development, medical device and instructional optimization, product naming, facility naming, website usability and market analysis.
Tracy understands the unique environments in which companies operate and has a personal commitment to help institutions place a relevant, enduring stake in the ground and stand out among peers. She knows how to bring the customer voice into the decision-making process utilizing state-of-the-art data collection techniques, analytic technologies and methods as well as data modeling and integrations. She finds meaning from data to tell a data-based, actionable story in a simple and straight-forward way that can be shared with stakeholders at every level of an organization.
Tracy has extensive expertise within Rx, OTC, health systems and the Affordable Care Act. She has conducted extensive research for a host of disease states and health conditions and is equally adept at working with medical professionals, hospital administrators, patients and caregivers. Early in her career, Tracy spent 10 years with GE and GE Capital in executive marketing positions, culminating as Vice President, Marketing. She specialized in marketing strategy and new product development in multiple categories, crossing over in both B2B and B2C applications. Tracy also held marketing positions at Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Seagram’s and Sons, where she was trained in new product development, market research and market entry strategies.
Tracy holds an MBA from The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University.